Finally got moving on something...

From the previous posts it’s easy to notice that I’ve been searching for an efficient way to code large web projects. While I am still open to frameworks and such, I had something happen that kind of “brought me back to my roots.” I have the job of making a website for a not-for-profit organization in my area. I decided that they should have something easy to update, so that means a data driven site with a back-end. I don’t want to use premade systems because they have too many things I don’t want included. I therefore decided to go with what I’ve worked with in the past which is straight PHP.

More specifically PHP5+ and the SQLite database engine. PHP5 perfects a good deal of useful features over the older versions such as the class/object model. It also adds support built-in for the file based SQLite engine. For what I am creating, SQLite takes out a lot of the unnecessary complexity of using MySQL.

I’ve got the database and general site design “done”. I also have a nice chunk of the back-end working. I integrated an open source browser based wysiwyg html editor, so updating the site will be a breeze. I also plan on adding functionality for multi-page events/articles and image galleries.

I’m pretty happy with the results so far. It might be taking me longer by designing and coding a basic content management system myself, but I get the exact result I want without the added fluff of premade stuff.

I might be going into more detail later, so look forward to that!