PHP, IIS, and NetBeans

It’s been while since I have used the language, so I thought it would be fun to try making a few new ideas with it.

I did a quick search to see what PHP IDEs were available.  I’ve used Eclipse quite a lot, but I’m not particularly fond of it, so I wanted to try something else.

I plan on giving NetBeans a chance to see how it fairs.

Seeing as I am currently using Vista Ultimate 64-bit, I decided to just use IIS. I had a few quips getting it working.

I had modified IIS beforehand when I was doing some old VbScript coding, so needless to say when I tried installing PHP it didn’t work out of the box.

In the IIS configuration program (use the start button search in vista on “InetMgr”):

  • Install PHP as a ISAPI filter.
  • In your selected application pool advances settings, make sure that “Managed Pipeline Mode” is set to “Classic” mode.
  • In the list of global settings:
  • Add a default document “index.php”
  • In ISAPI Filters, add a new filter that points to (most likely) “C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\php5isapi.dll”
  • In Handler Mappings, add a PHP entry “*.php” that also points to “C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\php5isapi.dll”
  • In that same screen look over to the right for “View Ordered List…” to make sure that the PHP entry is at the top so it gets priority over the static page handler.

What I also did was have my IIS Site point directly to the default NetBeans project directory. The issue I had there was file permissions. I changed the “Basic Settings…” option to connect as my personal login. Seeing as this is only for development, I don’t see any issues with that. I also changed my default binding to “,” which should only allow access from the computer itself. Not that it matters as this computer is behind a router